Friday, June 6, 2014

Rainbow Trout

I've been working on a series of trout in the net paintings, not for anything special but just because I really like they way they look, a few years ago we fished all summer for a really big cutthroat trout on the Teton River, one afternoon my son and I were floating and we stopped where this big fish liked to hang out, well long story short, I caught him... I took a photo of the fish laying in the net. The photo turned out really great and I thought at the time, "this would make great reference for an interesting painting" so I painted it and if you follow me you probably saw the painting, well here is the next painting in the series, a rainbow trout in the net, this fish my brother in law caught while fishing the South Fork of the Snake river. The next painting will be of a brown trout my son caught on the Henry's fork of the Snake river. Anyway, the paintings are great fun to make, the net is particularly challenging to paint, and I really I like how it turned out, I hope you agree. I'm going to sell prints of these paintings due to some interest, I'll post the details if you are interested.

1 comment:

Life's Beautiful Path said...

This an interesting painting. I have never see one painted like this. We have several lakes in north-central Arkansas and the White River where a lot of artist paint trout, but not one with or in a net.