Monday, January 24, 2011

Finally "Cowboys"

At long last... "COWBOYS" is officially under way, I am painting almost every day on this new book, the text is almost finished, by David L. Harrison from Pirates, and the sketches have been approved. I am sooo happy to be working on this book, it's going to be a beauty, at least I hope so, Boyds Mills Press is publishing it. This painting was done from some photo ref I took while on a roundup this fall, I had a great time on horseback for the day, trying to take photos while pushing cows over a mountain was a bit tricky but what a great time, the guy in the painting is a good friend who has modeled for me a few other times, he is a great character and a terrific model, he is a cowboy and spends many days a year on horseback in the mountains checking cows.
Anyway, I will include bits and pieces here and there while I work on this great project.

It's been a while

Wow, I can't believe how fast time flies when you are busy, it's been a busy few months here in the studio working on a variety of projects, sorry for not keeping up on the ol blog.
I just finished a book that kept coming back for change after change after change, I hope it if finally done and the author signs off on the illustrations. Sometimes this turns into work that wont go away, this image is from that book, In the end I think it turned out good, it certainly was a learning experience.
anyway, I 'll try to do better keeping up and posting more frequently.