Thursday, July 19, 2012


Surprise, surprise... I needed to paint this guy, every once in a while I just need to paint a pirate, call it a fix or whatever you want. They call to me from some dark place in my head and I have to submit to the itch. Anyway, I like how this painting turned out, I am  trying some new brush and mark making techniques, you probably can't tell but it's new to me and I like how it looks. The painting is based on a photo of Alan Moore ( the author) he is  scary looking dude and would have made a scary pirate so I turned him into one, the rings are his, the braids and other pirate garb are not. It seems that I see pirates all around me, I think it is time for another Pirate book or something to get this out of my system.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Love the beard, and the eyes are great too!